Today Shen got to experience his first Memorial Day holiday. We began in great form by going to the Memorial Day Parade in Algonquin where he got to see big brother, Connor, march in the Parade with his Boy Scout troop!
You can see the little man in the first picture as he is watching the police car go by with all the lights on. In the background you can see some of the military veterans approaching him and one of them walked right over to him and gave him a small American flag. This was really touching for me, watching this little boy who hasn't even been in the country for a year, but who will one day in the next year or so be a U.S. Citizen. Amazing to see him holding an American flag in the next picture as he 'Poses' (yes is he is quite the actor with his expressions, etc.) with Connor. Connor is in full uniform and you can see his First Class Rank just shining at you.
The rest of the day was pretty low-keyed but it was an awesome day as we truly commemorate the brave men and women who have defended our freedom!!
May God continue to watch over all of you!
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen