Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day

This past Sunday was our family's first Father's Day with Shen. We have had wonderful Father's Day celebrations in the past with Connor but this was obviously our first with Shen. The weekend started out very bumpy with Shen being very sick all night Thursday and all night Friday, with mommy catching the bug all day on Saturday. By Saturday afternoon, Shen was feeling better, so he and daddy went to the pool for a little while to get outside. On the way home, he wanted ice cream so we got a small cone and, you can see from the picture, that he wore a little of it as we stood outside. On Sunday, Shen and daddy went to a movie, Night at the Museum 2which Shen really enjoyed. Even though he couldn't understand the historical nature of the humor, he loved the animation and the special effects.
On Monday eveing, Connor was with us and we had a little Father's Day celebration. Mom and the boys got dad a Wii-Fit playstation and a gift set of massages. Hmmmm..I wonder if there is a message being sent??? You can see the picture of dad and the two boys with this post.
We have a great week with Connor being home from school. In fact, today, Jodie and Shen watched a DVD together (Madagascar) and Connor went to see the movie UP with his buddies from next door.
We pray that all of you are well.
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mid-June and Summer Approaching

With late Spring on its way out and summer approaching, Shen wants to be outside more and more. He LOVES our neighbor's sport court and playing in the yard. His favorite activity is riding his tricycle on the sport court while all is little friends try to roll balls at the tricycle (softly of course). He LOVES trying to outrun the balls as they approach. And, he's pretty good at it!
Last night, Shen and I went to our favorite Japanese restaurant (Kaminari) for take-out. He had Janpanese soda and received a sliced apple that he "attacked" with chopsticks. You can see from the photo that he definitely has a knack for eating that way.
All is well on our end! We pray that all is well for you and that you are enjoying this wonderful time of year with outside activities and friends.
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Near the End of Spring

Hi Everyone,
Sorry we haven't blogged in awhile, but it has been a difficult season for the Groppel household. I don't really want to bore you with details but, for the record, travel has been pretty hectic over the past couple of months. My partner, Jim, has had to have some urgent (but not life threatening) surgery. So, it's been very busy at our company with a lot of training which puts me on the road a lot. Jodie, Connor and Shen are hanging in there but it will be nice when we get a breather again.
Shen seems to be enjoying the late Spring weather, with the exception of a lot of rain. He doesn't like it when he can't go outside and play on the swingset or on our neighbor's sport court. However, he has been a trooper to go watch his big brother play Little League Baseball. Attached with this post is a photo of the little man with big brother at one of his games. Connor was preparing to bat and came out of the dugout to say HI to Shen. Shen asked, "What's that?" as he pointed to Connor's helmet. Connor put the helmet on Shen and I HAD to take the attached photo.
We hope you are enjoying the end of Spring as we approach Summer. I'll try to post a little sooner next time.
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen