What a great day! Our little man turned 5 years old today and we think he had one seriously great day! He awoke this morning, and immediately was asked, How old are you? With a huge smile, he held up all five fingers of one hand and said, "FIVE!"
We had a low-keyed party with our good friends, the Wards, and Shen shared his birthday cake with everyone. The birthday boy made out with some great presents too. He got a "Henry" and "James", for his Thomas train set, as well as the Sotor bridge. He also got a big coloring book from Grandma and Grandpa, as well as a Kindergarten learning book, a race car kit from big brother (Connor), some new clothes, and a Holloween costume of "Optimus Prime" from the Transformers. But, the real treat for Shen was Mommy's idea of a Smart Cycle. It hooks up to the TV and he can bicycle away, while learning words, coordination, etc. It's pretty cool!! In fact, he rode it for an hour-and-a-half this afternoon after receiving it.
We took Connor to his rehearsal for his big Chorus Concert tomorrow night!
All in all, a pretty incredible day, and we are just incredibly for God's unbelievable favor on us by giving us Shen. This past 13 months has been life-changing for all of us.
All our love,
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen (all 5 years of him)