I'm sorry I haven't blogged in awhile but it has been an incredibly hectic season for us. No excuse, though; and I will try to keep a better record going forward.
Today, although it is only the first day of Winter and the shortest day of the year, it is also the COLDEST. We awoke to a regular temperature of -9 degrees with a wind chill of -36 degrees. Now, that my friend, is COLD!!! So, I thought I would initially show how Shen is spending the morning. In the picture, please note that he is watching the movie CARS while wearing his CAR pajamas, with a blanket over him. Also, note the SpongeBob slippers staring at you from his feet under the blanket.
On another note, Shen's follow up visit to the doctor last week went very well. The tubes remain inserted and in place. We are being very careful not to get water in his ears but don't think that this kid is not having fun. While I was in Orlando on business this past week, we had a big snowstorm in Chicago. School was cancelled so Connor was home and took Shen sledding for the first time. Although I didn't get to witness it myself, Jodie left me voice mails all day that little man was having the time of his laugh going down the hill behind our house and then pulling his sled back up to do it again. That has become one of his favorite phrases, "Do it again!"
We hope all of you are well.
With Love,
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen
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