I have lived in Illinois most of my life but this has been one tough winter already and it's basically half over! Whew! Shen is doing great. You would never know that he has spent his previous 4 years in a climate that basically never gets below 50 degrees as the coldest temperature. He is a trooper and really keeps himself busy with puzzles, games, Public Television, and movies. His english continues to improve as well.
I am attaching a couple of pictures that clearly show his creativity. One is with his Lincoln Logs. Notice the precision in the building and how he even makes space for windows.
The other picture is of his train set. EVERY day he builds a different configuration for his trains. It is almost as if he decides, "OK, how can I top yesterday?" The picture shown took him about 15 minutes to build.
Enjoy and know that we pray for all of our friends and family!
Stay warm!
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen
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