This has been quite the past several days. With the flu bug hitting our house and me traveling a bit, life continues to be a journey worth discussing. I am placing several pictures with this post to show you some of the fun stuff we have been doing.
First, note that our cat, Luigi, has gotten quite attached to Shen. One night, after Shen had fallen asleep, we went in to check on him and Luigi was asleep right next to him. It was precious.
Then, Connor was in a play a school and had one of the speaking roles in Fiddler on the Roof. Shen really enjoyed seeing his big brother on stage, along with the singing and dancing. One of the pictures is the celebration we had our home and Shen placed the ribbons on his ears (always the jester). Then, there is a picture of all our close friends who came to support Connor. I guess there about 20 there supporting our oldest. What a great night!
Then, there was cousin Lily's birthday party and everyone was to be dressed up as a Prince or Princess (or something to do with the King's court). Well, Shen being the jester, dressed as that. Note how he loves doing this. And, the final picture is of Shen and Mommy dancing at the party. You can tell he is still getting socialized but is becoming more accustomed to being out in public and around groups of people.
This is a big week; another doctor appointment to finalize the series of vaccinations and get our 6-month report for our Social Worker appointment on Tuesday.
I'll post later this week to update how all those meetings go.
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen
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