Well, yesterday (April 24, 2009) was one eventful day. Shen and I went to the Social Security Administration Office to apply for his social security number, so that we can get a U.S. Passport and then also apply for U.S. Citizenship. The meeting at the social security office went very well and we should know something in 2-6 weeks. Shen was a real "flirt" at the social security office, acting bashful at times and then be his extroverted self when it worked for him. He definitely can be a charmer when he wants to be.
Afterward, me being "dad" gave in to him wanting a shake so we went to Culver's and Shen got his small vanilla shake. When we got home, we went out on the sport court for a little activity and it was so hot (82 degrees) that we didn't stay out too long. When we came in, I gave him a bottle of water and we went downstairs; me to my office to get caught up on some things and him to watch a movie. Now, comes the 'trauma" portion of the day!!
Connor came home from school and we all said hello. Then, I returned to my office and, after about 5 minutes Shen came to my office door (he is not allowed in my office) and said, "My throat sore!" And, he was actually choking and spitting up saliva, and "gunk". I grabbed him and sort of "heimliched" him, carry him upstairs and, about halfway up the stairs, he says "I OK NOW!" We continued upstairs and Connor could see what had happened and I asked him to get mommy. The four of us gathered in the kitchen and discussed what was going on. We discussed everything from overheating to seizures, etc., and decided to just watch him closely because he just kept saying, "I OK NOW." The problem he was REALLY quiet, not himself at all, for the next two hours. We kept asking him if he ate anything, etc. And, all he kept saying was "I OK." Well, he wasn't OK!
At dinner, he looked up at me and got a wierd look on his face and "spit up" again, this time most of the shake that he had eaten about three hours earlier. Mommy and I discussed this second episode and I honestly thought that his stomach had become upset with the combination of the heat outside and the shake. Well, wrong again!
About 5 minutes later, I could see that he was going to throw up again and that he really looked sick. Jodie and I watched him and I held him just as he threw up VOLUMES of shake, sandwich that he had been nimbling, and orange slices. And, then IT came up and out; a small marble-like game piece that he had found. See the picture above. The poor little guy thought it was "candy" because of its appearance and had swallowed it. He didn't understand what he had done. So, the rest of last night was a learning experience about things that DO NOT go into his mouth. And, how he has to talk with Mommy and Daddy when he doesn't feel well so that we can help him.
He had a great night's sleep and just finished a great breakfast. He looked up at us just a little while later and, knowing how concerned we had been all of last night, checking on him all night long, said, "I feel better now!"
We hope all of you are well!
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen