The last week of June saw Shen have his first babysitter....his big brother! Connor was awesome in how he handled Shen and Shen was great in how he listened and behaved with Connor. The event was the mommy and daddy were going to an appointment and children wouldn't have been appropriate, focus and all.
The first picture you see is when Jodie and I returned from the appointment, and you can see how happy the two of them were. It was as if we didn't leave and it seemed that Shen didn't miss us at all....Praise God on that!!
The second picture is just before we left for the appointment. It's obvious that Shen is really happy to be with his big brother and isn't too worried about mommy and daddy being gone. Remember, this was the FIRST time that Shen had not been with one of us (other than Sunday School) since September 8 of last year!!!
The third picture is the two boys sharing a couple of slices of pizza..isn't that what boys do?
All in all, a very exciting time for Shen and Connor, AND for Jodie and I to feel that Shen is developing so that he can be comfortable with Connor (and hopefully other trusted people).
We hope all of you are well! God Bless!
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen
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