Well, this is going to be an unusual entry but this is definitely part of our journey. For those of you who know Jodie, you know that she has quite the athletic and active background. In all those years, her ankle has taken quite a beating and we just found out this morning that it needs to get taken care of. Here's the diagnosis as we heard it from her doctor reading the MRI: There is lot of scar tissue from all the previous damage, 7 layers of scar tissue in fact, the cartilage is bruised and may need some subchondral drilling to help it heal, and there is some tissue erosion to the bone that needs repaired. On top of this, there is a bone spur that has broken off but he thinks it is far enough back in the joint that it won't be a problem.
This is all going to be done with arthroscopy (unless he NEEDS to do more when he is scoping the joint). She will need to be in a boot for three weeks and the doctor thinks she can move around pretty well in the boot. We decided "sooner than later" with Shen arriving here on September 18. So, this angry ankle surgery is happening this Friday (8/29) so the healing can be well along by the time Shen hits the U.S. We got the crutches out today and fitted them for her. So, with humor in our hearts that this is yet another little adventure from God, I am attaching a picture of my adorable wife (Shen's mom) and her crutches. Enjoy!!
1 comment:
Hey Jodie!!!
Good luck with that ankle!
Let us know if you need anything.
The Wards
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