This is the first entry into Shen's Journey. We are Jack and Jodie Groppel, the proud parents of Shen, who will be joining our family in about three short weeks. Shen's brother, Connor, is very excited about welcoming Shen into our family as well.
The past few years have been interesting to say the least. His mom and dad began the adoption process in the late fall of 2005, praying about whether to adopt or not. Feeling called to adopt, and knowing the Lauffer's in North Carolina who adopted their precious Lily from China, we decided to go the route of International adoption and signed on with Harrah's Adoption International Mission in Houston, TX.
Our log-in date in China was September 12, 2006, and we were on our way to having a child from China. Thinking that it would likely be a girl, we painted her room pink and earnestly planning for her arrival. But, as we all know.... We plan and God laughs!! A girl was not in the cards. God put it on our hearts to look into the Waiting Child program and, low and behold, we found Shen!! Soon, I will write about how fast everything has happened this summer!