Saturday, August 30, 2008

What a Friday!!

Well, Friday (yesterday) was quite the day. As you know from the previous post, the angry ankle was taken care of! The surgery went well for Jodie but, as the surgeon said, there was more in there than anticipated. He removed 2 dime-sized bone spurs, all 7 layers of scar tissue and did another procedure to improve blood flow to some joint articulations. The did a nerve block on the whole leg so yesterday was quite the day with Jodie not feeling anything in her leg but feeling like she was dragging something with a big, stiff boot on it. The boot will protect her ankle and she should be just getting out of it when Shen and I return from China. By the way, all of the above happened while I was flying back from England after conducting a program for Estee Lauder at Oxford. The angel who took care of Jodie to and from the operation was Kathy Brewer, whom we are so thankful for. As God would have it, I arrived at the door from England just five minutes before Jodie and Kathy returned home.
Shen's bedroom is basicall all decorated. We thought you would like to see what his room looks like so his picture is attached.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Jack and Jodie

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Praise God you are there safe and sound!!! I love to hear all the updates isn't blogging wonderful. The room looks amazing, he will love it. Bless you guys.a