The past few days have been eventful, needless to say. Shen went for his second doctor visit to get the results of his immunization testing. The good news is that he has most of the immunizations he needs, the bad news is that he still needs a few. So, round 1 of shots took place on Friday. Shen was a real trooper, just looking at the needle in his arm, as if to say, "OK, when are you going to really give me a shot?" The next round of shots will be in late November. There is also a bit a "cautionary" news. Because of the tainted milk problem in China, and the fact that Shen may have been exposed to the milk, he has to get an ultrasound to check for kidney stones. The results of the ultrasound will also be given to us at the next doctor appointment in late November.
On a fun note, Shen and I went to the Trails of History exhibit in northern McHenry County yesterday. It is a re-enactment of life in Northern Illinois during the late 1800s. I LOVED it but I don't think Shen could really appreciate it. All the food was cooked on an open fire, there was clog dancing, military procedures, trappers demonstrating their goods (note the photo with this post), Indian dwellings, and the whole nine yards. It was really great!
We hope and pray that all of you are well!
God Bless!
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen
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