Christmas, 2008...Shen's First Christmas as a member of our family! It was fairly calm considering that Shen calls the Jolly ole St. Nick, Santa Clock (can't say Claus yet) and he didn't quite understand Santa got down the chimney, left presents and then went back up the chimney. We got up around 7:00 to a beautiful White Christmas, but didn't let Shen go into the family room until everyone was present. We had cinnamon rolls as we opened presents. Shen made a haul, as did Connor! Every year we say we are not going to get all these presents, and then.....well, you get the idea.
Here are some pictures from our morning together. It was great fun and we are all now recovering from the festivities.
The one thing we never want to forget is the reason for the season and that is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. So, Connor and Shen ended the morning by singing "Happy Birthday!" to Jesus! It was a great day!
We pray that all of you had a blessed Christmas!!
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen