Well, this has been an incredible time for our family. Shen has fit in so well! He is connecting (Big Time) with Jodie and Connor, enjoying the people in our neighborhood, and just getting accustomed to life in America and the Groppel household. We went to church on Sunday and he enjoyed Sunday School. Our neighbors have been incredibly gracious. The Rahn's brought a small stuffed puppy and Disney balloons to Shen, Pastor H.B. stopped by just to give him a quick hug, and everyone has been touching base to check in on the little man.
We took Shen to the Pediatrician today, the one who, on May 20 after looking at Shen's growth/medical records said, "He's a keeper" and then said, "Go get him!" Today, Dr. and patient met. Dr. Ochs felt that Shen was doing great, was very intelligent, and seemed very healthy. There does seem to bit a bit of fluid behind Shen's eardrum's, likely due to the palate and subsequent surgery. We will get him to a specialist later this fall. Then, they wanted all kinds of labwork to meet U.S. immigration standards. So, little man gave it all...blood, urine, and stool samples. They will evaluate EVERYTHING that he is or is not immune to. We need to go back in three weeks to discuss the results.
I am attaching some pictures for you to enjoy. One is from the doctor visit where we had to wait for over 4 hours to see the doctor and get everything done. Shen got bored so, being little Mr. Creativity, he put stickers on himself, his shirt and his shorts (he had a blast and it killed some time :)). The second is of Connor, Shen, and our neighbor's sons, Colin and Armin Ward. We just know that they will all become incredible friends. And, finally, this is the view I saw from behind as Shen and I met Connor coming home from school. Connor took his hand and walked him into the house. You get a great shot of our big 12-year-old guy and our little 3-1/2 year old addition.
Enjoy!! We love you all!
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen
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