What a great weekend we all had together! Shen continues to adapt to life in the U.S. His English also gets better day by day. He now realizes that "You're welcome," follows "thank you." And, he even follows someone else's sneeze with "God Bless You!"
This weekend we put together a new tricycle for the little man that he just loves. We went swimming, which I think may have been his first time at an indoor pool. He was big-eyed the whole time and loved playing with the small fountains at the pool. I think family time at the pool this winter will be a "hot item" in our household.
The big event of the weekend was the Johnny Appleseed Festival held about 5 miles from our home. Mommy attended an adoption seminar at our church, which we found was EXTREMELY worthwhile! She learned about communicating with children and how communication can sometimes be difficult in the "honeymoon" phase of adoption, yet being aware of "signals" as you get into the 6-month to one-year time period.
But, back to the Johnny Appleseed Festival. It was geared just for the kids and we met a great couple and their son, who are in our Adoption Playgroup. Shen really connected with his new friend Jack (nice name, huh!). I have attached some pictures for you to see. First is Shen with his friend, Jack. Then, you will see Little Man eating his first sweet corn on the cob. He wanted NOTHING to do with "corn on the cob" at first, until he saw his friend Jack eat some. Then, he devoured the sweet corn. The final picture is Shen feeding a small donkey in the petting zoo.
Our family continues to adapt and we thank God for all the blessings bestowed upon us.
We love you all!
Jack, Jodie, Connor and Shen
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