After we left Civil Affairs, we realized very quickly that the vast majority of the time that we must spend in China is due to the American government. The Chinese paperwork is basically done. All we have to do from their perspective is get Shen's Chinese Passport tomorrow afternoon. Then, we have to wait until late next week for the American government to conclude all its paperwork.
Shen and I had a pretty good bonding day today. Since my Mandarin is not very good (basically non existent) and Shen knows just as little English, we are both getting very skilled at charades.
All the families went shopping this afternoon. I got a stroller for Shen that he REALLY likes. We were in the room this afternoon and he just crawled into the stroller to sit. I have attached a picture of the stroller and also one of him working in a coloring book.
He spent some time playing with some other adoption children today, all of whom are in a different travel group but all of whom are special needs. It was great to see him interact with the other children. In one situation, he was playing with blocks and was really into it when a little girl came up and started playing with the same group of blocks. I was ready to break up a conflict if he felt interrupted but, instead, he put his arm around the little girl and welcomed her to play with him. It was a great scene!
We just finished our bath and are preparing for a good night's sleep. We love you and wish you a great day today!
Jack and Shen
We just back
Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us. Know that we are praying for you and Shen in this time together as well as Jodie and Connor at home. I know that at first it was difficult with Shen being in foster care, but I believe the Lord had that in place so that a foundation of love and stability was in place for Shen early in his life. This will make building upon that foundation more secure and strong. We love you guy and ENJOY these days. Press on to know Him and hear from Him today.
HB & Kathy
Hi Shen!!!
We can't wait to meet you!!
Your new neighbors,
The Wards
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